You watch as the piece of flint attached to a branch flies through the air like a fighter jet before embedding itself through the animal's brisket. You should have gotten a better look at the thing before you threw your spear. It whines in pain like a dog does. Fuck. Your heart sinks to your stomach. You're not above eating any other household pet, but dogs are where you draw the line. They didn't do shit to hurt anybody. You remember the various other smaller species of dog that used to exist. You're pretty sure all of them have gone extinct now.

Poor fucking thing is still alive. It's trying to run away into a nearby bush but doesn't have the strength to stand up. You watch in horror. Something is staring at it through the bush. A puppy. You killed the puppy's father. Fuck. This is the first example of compassion in you that you've seen in a long while. It hits you like a freight train. Your heart sinks deeper.
